Räätälöity tuote
79.90 €
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Onko sinulla mielessäsi tietty tuote, jonka haluaisit tehtävän? Vai onko sinulla idea, joka kaipaa lisää aivoriihiä? Ota vain minuun yhteyttä, niin keskustellaan asiasta, jotta saat ainutlaatuisen käsityön omin ehdoin.
I recently purchased a custom-made minimalist leather wallet from Luava, and I couldn’t be more satisfied with my purchase. The craftsmanship is outstanding, and the design perfectly matched what I had envisioned. I initially approached a few craftsmen in the UK but did not receive any responses. While searching for someone to create the wallet, I found Luava. Jusso was very approachable and understood exactly what I wanted. He simply asked me to draw a sketch of my desired design, and I received the wallet in less than two weeks. The leather feels and smells great, and I couldn’t be happier to have something I wished for. He also included some Finnish chocolate in the box, which was delicious 😁
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much Dawa! It was a fun project and I got an idea for a new wallet design because of it, so thanks! I'm also happy you enjoyed the chocolate 😁
The knife sheath turned out to be perfect. At first I had doubts about the thickness of the leather, but everything turned out to be perfect. The durability was also unfortunately tested by falling from a slippery rock. Apart from abrasion, the leather held up and the seam did not come loose. I recommend it!
Thank you buddy! This design really turned out interesting! Fortunately leather forms pretty fast so the thickness isn't usually an issue. It also makes it tougher. I'm happy you like it!
Excellent service and high quality product, which will last for decades. I highly recommend!
I'm very happy you enjoy it. Thank you!
Hieno, tyylikkäästi tehty ja käytössä paranee. Lompakko.
Kiitos paljon arvostelusta! Nahka sen kuin paranee tosiaan käytössä!
Lovely, well made and gets better in use. Wallet.'
'Thank you a lot of the review. Leather surely gets better in use!'
The product, an e-book reader leather cover, turned out exactly how I imagined it. The closing mechanism, as well as the measurements are spot on. The leather workings, colour and overall quality seem very nice and well made.
Thanks Darius! It was a fun project for me to do a new product, thanks for that too!